Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 336 NAI DFA 217/39

Letter from Francis T. Cremins to Seán Lester (Geneva)
(X.163) (Copy)

Geneva, 14 November 1940


I have the honour to inform you, on behalf of my Government, that I have been appointed Chargé d'Affaires of Ireland in the Swiss Confederation, and that my appointment as Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations now ceases.

It is the intention, however, that I should remain the channel for communications between the Government of Ireland and all International Organisations in Switzerland. Accordingly, I will be grateful if, as from the 19th November, 1940, all documents and communications relating to the League of Nations which have hitherto been sent to me here by the Secretariat are forwarded to me addressed as follows:-

Mr. F.T. Cremins,

Chargé d'Affaires,

Legation d'Irlande,

24, Beatusstrasse,


On taking my departure, I would like to say how much I appreciate the cordial and happy relations which have always existed between the Secretariat of the League and the Irish Delegation. In the long period during which I have acted as Permanent Delegate, I have received from the Secretariat nothing but the most valuable assistance in my work, the most friendly co-operation and the greatest courtesy. For that, I desire to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude.

I have the honour to be,
Yours faithfully,
[Stamped] F.T. Cremins