Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 403 NAI DFA Washington Embassy File 119

Code telegram from Joseph P. Walshe to Robert Brennan (Washington)
(No. 20) (Personal) (Copy)

Dublin, 22 January 1941

The American Minister, at the request of the Minister for Finance, has enquired of State Department whether Irish Government would have goodwill of American Government in raising a loan in United States naming National City Bank. Please tell State Department you have received this information from your Government, and say your Government would like to obtain a loan in America, preferably from American Government, to amount of about fifty million dollars to be used as credit in U.S. for purchase of supplies and ships.

Explore also possibility of getting supplies and shipping on basis of lend lease system for above purposes, including defence, but make absolutely certain no implication of belligerency involved.