Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 1 NAI DT S4754/1

Despatch from T.M. Healy to L.S. Amery (London)
(Confidential) (Copy)

DUBLIN, 5 February 1926

I have the honour to refer to your Confidential (2) despatch of the 22nd December regarding the date of the Imperial Conference.

2. It is not possible for my Ministers to say now whether they will find them­selves sufficiently free from political and administrative engagements in October this year to follow all the deliberations of the Imperial Conference. Nevertheless of the alternative dates in 1926 suggested October appears to them the more convenient, though they are quite willing to agree to another date should October 1926 eventually be considered as unsuitable by the majority of the Nations of the Commonwealth.

I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient,
humble servant,
[stamped] Sgd. T.M. Healy