Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 257 NAI DFA Berne Embassy papers

Michael MacWhite to Timothy A. Smiddy (Washington)
(B.02/86) (Copy)

Geneva, 28 July 1924

Dear Mr. Smiddy,

As I understand that the negotiations relative to your appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington are now completed and that you will formally present your credentials to the President in the course of a week or two, I hasten to send you my sincere congratulations.

Of all the other diplomatic posts in the United States Capital, yours will for some time to come, be the most difficult and it is possible that some interested persons may endeavour to lay pitfalls in your path. I hope, however, that our Ministry of External Affairs will always second you as up to the present it has not an enviable reputation in this respect. There is, I am glad to say, a little improvement lately.

The position of Representative accredited to the League of Nations at Geneva is becoming more and more important. Outside of the Saorstát about fourteen other countries are represented here directly. Brazil has an Ambassador and Poland and Austria have Ministers Plenipotentiary. There is also a question of transferring the seats of some of the diplomats accredited to the Confederation from Berne to Geneva. I meet Mr. Gibson, the United States Minister at Berne, frequently.

A few weeks ago I had the Anglo-Irish Treaty registered with the League. Our people expected some opposition but none was or could be forthcoming as, in the League, one Member is as good as another. They are, by force of circumstances, growing out of this timidity.

With best wishes
Very sincerely yours
[copy letter unsigned]