Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 132 NAI DFA 417/105

Michael MacWhite to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)
(N.S. 107/23)

GENEVA, 25 September 1923

A Chara,

I beg to enclose you herewith a copy of a Memorandum dealing with the Registration of Treaties which was approved by the League Council three years ago.1 Articles 3 and 4 of this Memorandum are of special interest in so far as our position is concerned.

With reference to the questions put in your letter No.234/232 I wish to state

(1)That any Treaty presented to the League for registration should, in the first instance, pass through the hands of the Secretary General.

We are not in a position to make any authoritative statement as to the possible lines of action on the part of the League authorities following an attempt to register.

(2) It would be advisable to make no attempt at registration whilst the Assembly is sitting. And

(3) The meaning of the term 'certified copy' is explained in Article 6 of the accompanying Memo.

Is mise, le meas,
[signed] M. MACWHITE


1Not printed.

2Above No. 129.