Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 303 NAI DT S5340/13

Extract from minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
(Cab. 4/115)

Dublin, 16 November 1929

Conference of Inter-Dominion Experts, London, October/November 1929 - Report from Mr McGilligan, Minister for External Affairs and Industry and Commerce

The Minister for External Affairs and Industry and Commerce outlined the progress which had been made by the Conference of Experts in London.

The report of the Conference was approaching completion and certain questions had arisen on which he wished to have instructions.

I. It was not outside the range of possibility that one or two minority reports would be presented.

If this were unavoidable it was agreed that nothing could be done, but the Minister was urged to take every possible step to secure the signature of a single unanimous report.

II. In order to give effect to the recommendations in the report, including those relating to the Crown succession,it would be necessary for Great Britain and the Dominions to pass concurrent legislation embodying the report as a schedule.

This was agreed to.

III. The Minister was authorised to accept the principle of a Commonwealth Court for the adjudication of disputes between members of the British Commonwealth, on condition that the Court would be available only to disputes between Governments or to disputes of individuals sponsored by Governments.