Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 270 NAI DFA Madrid Embassy 50/1

Code telegram from Leopold H. Kerney to the Department of External Affairs (Dublin)
(No. 21) (Copy)

St Jean de Luz, 11 February 1939

Your telegram No. 31 I have handed to Mamblas this morning note addressed to Jordana informing latter of decision to give immediate de jure recognition and requesting early simultaneous publication of decision in each country. In covering letter I have requested Mamblas to telephone contents of note to Burgos so that recognition may take effect from today's date and with view agreeing to publication in Monday's Irish and Spanish newspapers. I have requested Mamblas to give full style of Franco as head of state and also to ascertain whether I am persona grata. Owing to difficulties of communication definite reply may not reach me till tomorrow Sunday but Mamblas considers we may take agreement approved as regards publication Monday.