Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 156  NAI DFA Secretary's Files P12/6

Personal code telegram from Robert Brennan to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)
(No. 469)

WASHINGTON, 8 December 1941

Up to moment when Japan took action, everyone in Administration was convinced Japan was bluffing. I was at luncheon with Associate Supreme Court of Justice Douglas. Under Secretary of War Patterson,1 one of guests, was called to telephone, and returned saying news of attack had been given on radio. He was profoundly astonished and inferred that he would not believe it until it was officially confirmed.

The temper of joint sessions of both members and gallery listening to the President this morning was one of relief that pre-war tension was at an end. There is unbounded belief here in ultimate victory.

1 Robert P. Patterson (1891-1952), Under-Secretary of State for War (1940-5), Secretary for War (1945-7).