Volume 7 1941~1945

Doc No.

No. 610  NAI DFA Secretary's Files P17

Letter from Michael MacWhite to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)

ROME, 26 June 1945

With further reference to your minute 243/140/44 of May 28th, 1945,1 a woman called here saying her husband who is in an Internment camp had asked her to hand in at this Legation the annexed visiting card of which the text follows:-

'Dear MacWhite,
Three weeks ago I was arrested in Merano. This is my ninth camp. No charge made, but suggestions in cross examination about 'German plot'. They refuse to let me communicate with Legation on ground that 'we regard Ireland as an unfriendly State'. Please take all possible steps to secure release, also through Vatican. Have written to Kiernan, as I did not know if you are still in the Grand Hotel. Expect to stay in Terni for the present. Better say you heard of my arrest from Merano.


It will be noted that Mr. Bewley still carries visiting cards on which he describes himself as 'Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire d'Irlande'. As he has apparently been arrested by the Allied Military Police and held by them the Legation is not in a position to intervene.

[signed] M. MACWHITE

1 Not printed.