Volume 7 1941~1945

Doc No.

No. 527  NAI DFA 341/12 Part I

Letter by Joseph P. Walshe to Lieutenant General Peadar MacMahon

DUBLIN, 3 January 1945

Dear Peadar,
Many thanks for your letter of the 1st January1 concerning the proposal to reconstitute the Army School of Equitation. I do not think it is necessary for this Department to be represented at the meeting, but you may take it that we would be strongly in favour of the re-establishment of the School. In pre-war days the participation of the Army Jumping Teams in International Shows was of the greatest possible assistance in emphasising the separate identity of this country. And I need scarcely stress the high propaganda value of the many successes achieved by the teams. We feel it would be a great pity if Ireland were not to be represented in future International Shows by a really first-class team.

Yours sincerely,
[initialled] J. P. W.

1 Not printed.