Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 538 NAI DT S2485A

Extract from minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
(Cab. 5/55)

Dublin, 25 March 1931

(A) Access to the King

(B) New Great Seal

The Minister for External Affairs reported on his interview with His Majesty the King on the 19th instant1 in regard to

(a) right of access to His Majesty the King; and
(b) the creation of a new Great Seal and Signet to be used in future on documents relating to the Irish Free State instead of the present British Great Seal and Signet.

His Majesty had signed the document (for copy see annexed schedule)2 submitted to him by the Minister on behalf of the Government in regard to these matters.

The Minister's report was approved and he was authorised to take preliminary steps with a view to the preparation of a suitable design for the Seal.

1 See No. 533 and No. 536.

2 See No. 536.