Volume 8 1945~1948

Doc No.

No. 54 NAI DFA 307/4

Handwritten note by Joseph P. Walshe on the number of German nationals in Ireland

Dublin, 12 December 1945

I told the Spanish Minister1 that there were exceedingly few Germans here and that if and when we took such measures I would keep him informed.

On the other hand I suggested that he should suggest to his Govt. that Ireland was a bad model for Spain inasmuch as there were several thousand Germans holding extensive property in that country.

1 Don Juan Garcia-Ontiveros y Laplana, Spanish Minister to Ireland (1939-45). Ontiveros had inquired as to the measures taken in Ireland 'to block private property of citizens of the Axis Powers or of Nationals of Countries occupied by them' (NAI DFA 307/4, 12 December 1945).