Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 291 NAI DFA 417/105

Joseph P. Walshe to Michael MacWhite (Geneva)
(Copy) (Personal)

DUBLIN, 1 December 1924

A Chara,

The Minister asks me to let you know that the British Government, in a despatch of a few weeks ago, declared that they did not recognise the Registration of the Treaty. Their view was, as the Despatch sets out, that neither the Covenant nor any convention made under the auspices of the League could in any way regulate or modify the relations between the component parts of the Commonwealth. They added that they were so informing the Secretary-General of the League. The Minister would be glad to have your opinion and Mr. Phelan's on the situation.

Sincerely yours,
[copy letter unsigned]