Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 268 NAI DFA/5/305/14/22

Letter from Peter Berry to Michael L. Skentelbery (Dublin)

Dublin, 10 February 1949

Dear Skentelbery,
In reply to your semi-official letter of 31st ultimo (306/14/22)1 in the case of Willi Sassen, a Dutchman, this alien came to Ireland in May, 1947, as a political refugee and remained here until September, 1948, when he departed for Buenos Aires. During his stay he did not come under the unfavourable notice of the Garda. He produced documentary evidence to the effect that he would not be granted a national passport and he was issued by this Department with a certificate of identity as a Stateless alien.

Sassen's statement to the Chargé d'Affaires that he was a close friend of Reverend Father Senan, O.F.M. Cap., is known to be correct.2

Yours sincerely,
P. Berry

1 Not printed.

2 See No. 219.