Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 506 NAI TSCH/3/S11007B/1

Memorandum by the Department of Justice
'Appeal by International Refugee Organisation for the Admission of Displaced Persons'

Dublin, 6 October 1950

[matter omitted]

  1. Refugees already admitted to this Country
    Since the end of the war this country has admitted about 1,000 aliens from the Continent. Of these about 350 are domestic servants, about 175 are university students, most of whom are admitted on a temporary basis, and about 400 are children, dependant relatives of persons already resident here or aliens who have Irish relatives or some other connection with this country. Authorisations were given for the admission of an additional 450 aliens, who have not arrived, and it is unlikely that these will arrive now.

[matter omitted]