Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 356 NAI DFA Secretary's Files P12/1

Code telegram from Seán Murphy to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)
(No. 372) (Personal) (Copy)

Vichy, 1 December 1940

Your telegram 391.1 Had a talk with Nuncio yesterday. He thinks public opinion in free zone has hardened against policy of collaboration, for the following reasons. Firstly, because of feeling created by expulsions from Lorraine, secondly disappointment at lack of results from meeting and thirdly Greek success. He thinks Marshal's prestige is very high and that internal policy is gaining ground, but that there is still considerable opposition. The majority in occupied territory very opposed to collaboration and strongly pro Britain. The Government can, of course, carry out its policy without popular support, as it is all-powerful.

Laval has not disclosed any plans. The Nuncio had not heard of any. All classes of community dislike and distrust Laval; reason given for unpopularity is that he is opportunist and has made great fortune from politics. Neither reason seems sufficient in France. The fact of unpopularity is beyond doubt. Majority does not accept collaboration as inevitable and sincerely hope it will not become so. The attitude is influenced by continuance of war which French hope will not end favourably for Germany.

De Gaulle has little personal support: what he represents has considerable support in occupied territory. The students' demonstrations at Paris were in his favour. I am sending full report on situation by courier and hope it will arrive by middle of December.